Since 1960, we have imagined, designed and produced shoes made especially for professionals for all kinds of interventions and all types of grounds. Our customers require high quality reliable shoes. Precision of movement is necessary to adapt to any situation. Our objective is to offer more safety and more comfort to our customers. We are always aiming for the highest standard and innovation to offer better working conditions for every mission.

What matters most to you as a brand?
Protection and safety are a priority for us. BOCHE is at the top of research to enable everyone to carry out their missions in the best possible conditions. The quality and reliability of our intervention equipment comes first, which is why each model is designed and created in France, in respect of the standards.
It looks like you have engineered change. We’re curious! Could you please share with us what’s so unique in terms of design?
Designing personal protective equipment is a real challenge to combine comfort and performance. Innovation is therefore at the heart of the design of our shoes in order to offer a reliable and comfortable product. The Research and Development department is constantly working to submit concrete solutions for improvement in collaboration with users.
For us, it’s about collaboration. Please share with us, what makes Sympatex your perfect match and ingredient?
Safety and performance also require comfort. This is why the Sympatex membrane is essential to the design of our intervention shoes. Sympatex allows us to meet the constraints and requirements of the field for firefighters equipped with our shoes.
Apparently, our planet matters to you, too! What’s your approach in that regard?
Responding to environmental issues is a challenge that must be met by combining innovation and sustainability. At BOCHE, we contribute to this challenge through daily actions, but also by proposing solutions for reconditioning and repairing our shoes. It is actually possible to recondition boots or rangers to almost new condition after a first life.