10 blogs that inspire to more sustainability
- minutes reading time
In these days there are many sustainability blogs that focus on an ecological way of life, give food for thought and inspire. We have listed 10 interesting sustainability blogs that focus on different topics.

1. Green lifestyle and fair fashion tips in Elisabeth Jacobs’ sustainability blog
Elisabeth Jacobs shares her experiences of environmentally friendly living and gives lots of tips for a “greener lifestyle” on her sustainability blog “Elisabeth Green“. She is not only focusing on fair clothing and fashion, but also on an overall sustainable lifestyle. For example, you can also find information on various ways of living more sustainably in her sections ” Health” or “Family” and “Nutrition”. Elisabeth’s sustainability blog also highlights numerous ways to make your own closet even more sustainable. In her view, organic fashion has nothing to do with sacrifice. Especially worth reading is her latest contribution on the topic of sustainable sports labels, in which she also gives our client VAUDE a very positive review.
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2. Fairknallt – the sustainability blog of Marie Nasemann
Once she ranked third at Germany’s Next Topmodel, today the model also convinces with her inner values: Whether fashion, beauty or travel – Marie Nasemann shows on her blog that it can also be done sustainably. And proves with creative fashion shoots that sustainably produced clothing is very well suited for the runway. In addition, she reveals what is behind most certificates, which sustainable materials are available and in which (online) stores you can store fair and sustainable.
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3. Living sustainably like eco-brand founder Justine Siegler
Blogger Justine Siegler from Vienna lives vegan, gluten-free and sustainable – and thus corresponds exactly to the cliché of a classical “Ökotante”. But Justine celebrates this lifestyle consciously and shows in her blog that an eco-lifestyle is by no means boring, healthy food has nothing to do with abstinence and one can save the world even in a fancy organic cotton hemp top. By the way Justine founded her own eco-brand and recently published her first vegan cookbook. A creative power woman, who is also a real role model for her followers in terms of personality development (#SatisfactionSaturday).
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4. Madeleine Alizadeh: The femme fatale of sustainability
Since 10 years Madeleine Alizadeh is already involved in the blogger business – at the beginning as a typical fashion & lifestyle blogger with make-up tutorials, shopping hauls and spontaneous flights to glamorous events. But after seven years the transformation began: Madeleine shut down her blog, founded her own fair-fashion label instead, successfully launched her podcast “a mindfull mess”, published her first book and became politically active by running for the Green Party in Austria’s national elections in 2019. Meanwhile she is one of the most influential activists in the German-speaking world and fights for climate protection, equality, sustainability and against sexism and racism.
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5. Mia Marjanovic’s sustainability blog
Whether fashion, beauty, cooking recipes or interior design – Mia Marjanovic shows in her blog how all this can be done in a sustainable and vegan way. Whether a sustainable wedding dress, vacation in a Tiny House or Zero Waste Tipps for the kitchen: On Mia’s sustainability blog one finds numerous helpful information about sustainability, climate change and animal protection. Her creative DIY and upcycling ideas, a sustainable shopping guide, great fair-fashion shopping tips as well as insider travel recommendations and delicious vegan recipes definitely offer plenty of inspiration for a more sustainable life. And show that an environmentally friendly, conscious and fair lifestyle can be amazingly chic, affordable and simple.
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6. The fashion changers: Vreni Jäckle, Nina Lorenzen and Jana Braumüller
Three years ago, three bloggers have joined together to form a collective and founded a blog to finally free the topic of sustainable and fair fashion from its niche and instead establish it in the fashion scene. Since then, the three-woman business with a highly idealistic approach has been doing everything it can, loudly and empoweringly with a lot of (fashion) activism, to achieve a social change in the fashion business and to show that fair and sustainable fashion can change the world. Business tips can be found, among other things, at their own Fashion Changers Conference and in the eponymous book by the three gamechangers.
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7. Louisa Dellert – the champion of sustainability
Around 393,000 followers on Instagram and 36,000 subscribers on YouTube follow the life of Louisa, known as Lou, on social networks. This makes Louisa one of the highest-reach influencers in our Top 10 sustainability blogs. Louisa started as a fitness blogger in 2014 and advised her followers mainly on nutrition and training issues. But Louisa’s sometimes extreme sports and beauty craze ended abruptly with her heart surgery. Afterwards Louisa changed her life and started to deal with topics like environment, politics, sustainability and self-love. In the meantime, the 31-year-old runs her own store with sustainable products, published her first book with tips for a more sustainable lifestyle and speaks regularly and openly about social and personal problems in her own podcast.
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8. Zero-waste and fair fashion in Swiss German – the sustainability blog of Anina Gepp
She fills up her storage cans in the unpackaged store, goes running, does yoga with her boyfriend and plucks the herbs for the next vegan dish right on her own balcony: Swiss blogger Anina shows how a sustainable everyday life can work and be fun at the same time. Because whether it’s sustainable clothing, healthy vegan recipes or environmental protection: Anina always informs her followers objectively and competently about a wide variety of problems and always encourages them to do their best to make more sustainable shopping decisions – but without losing the joy of experimenting.
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9. Sustainable adventure tours with Angelique Vochezer
Who follows Angelique, lust for travel immediately: Because apart from sport, her minimalistic and sustainable closet as well as vegan nutrition, the 29 year old deals particularly with the topic travels on her blog. With her VW van “Schosch” Angelique experienced already quite a few travel adventures and takes her followers gladly out into nature: to crystal-clear mountain lakes, romantic sunsets and idyllic overnight accomodation places. And thus proves that you can be just as happy on 4 square meters of living space as on 40 square meters – according to the motto, less luxury, more sustainable living!
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10. Rethinking with Yannick & Oliver
On Yannick and Oliver’s YouTube channel you can find everything about sustainable fashion and lifestyle – not only for men. In their videos the two smart guys deal with sustainability seals, show the latest fashion pieces in entertaining fair-fashion hauls, review sneakers, brands and co. and deal with all kinds of topics around the crazy and colorful fashion world. Apart from sustainable fashion, problems such as racism, climate change and environmentally conscious nutrition are also discussed.
Besides all these great and inspiring sustainability blogs, there are also numerous corporate blogs of sustainable brands, which we also want to share with you:
At our brand partner Zanier you will find many interesting stories from outdoor influencers and athletes, who all have the motto #mymountainpassion in common and report about their experiences and adventures in the mountains. The blog of Vaude also lets (mountain) adventurers have their say, who report about their partly unbelievable journeys in far and near. But also product reviews and insights into the product development are given. bleed offers not only exclusive behind-the-scenes insights into the daily work of a sustainable fashion label, but also delicious recipes, adventure tips and helpful guidelines for travel enthusiasts as well as information on sustainable and environmentally relevant topics. And even a few DIYs will find their place here.
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