
在 Sympatex®,我们从 2019 年开始采用敏捷组织架构、扁平化等级制度和跨学科项目团队。我们积极主动的工作方式使我们能够迅速抓住机会、灵活地制定解决方案,并以出色效率予以实施。我们完全信赖彼此,因为我们知道,每一位员工都会全力以赴、做到最好。我们秉持合作、自主的工作方式,以及平等交流、坦诚相待的企业文化。我们合作和团结的基础在于我们的企业价值观,即我们的“五大支柱”(Big Five):可持续发展、责任、信任、认可和透明。


Code of conduct

Sympatex is committed to its social responsibility and to making the entire textile value chain socially, ecologically and economically sustainable. We take into account the direct and indirect impacts of our business activities on society and the environment and act in accordance with generally accepted values and principles such as integrity, legality and respect for internationally recognized human rights and labor standards. As a certified B Corp company, we have fundamentally embedded this belief in our Articles of Association and in our actions. Sympatex is also a member of the German Textile and Fashion Industry Association and recognizes its Code of Conduct as a guideline for our corporate actions. With our signature, we ensure that we implement and apply the requirements of the Code of Conduct.

Code of conduct (chin)