Umwelt & Klima

Nachhaltige Mode, Umwelt & Klima, Closing the loop
A conversation with Michael Spitzbarth, founder and CEO of bleed clothing.
Founder and CEO Michael Spitzbarth addresses the public with a letter. He warns, «The entire sustainable industry is at risk.»

Nachhaltige Mode, Umwelt & Klima, Closing the loop
Digitization of the value chain in terms of Sustainability
Digital tools for specifying and communicating color significantly reduce the environmental impact of the textile industry. Anna, Colorist & Digital … Digitization of the value chain in terms of Sustainability

Umwelt & Klima
The water footprint of the textile industry
Water is precious, almost everyone knows that. At the same time, the textile industry is one of the economic sectors … The water footprint of the textile industry

Umwelt & Klima
What does the B stand for?
When it comes to assessing company success many people might still think of maximizing revenues. We believe there is a … What does the B stand for?

Umwelt & Klima
The state must become a role model
Raw material-conserving, waste-avoiding, low-pollutant and recyclable: these are the new principles – also for the public sector. The topics of … The state must become a role model

Umwelt & Klima
7 Outdoor Influencers You Should Know
Outdoor influencers definitely have a talent for always discovering the best outdoor spots that not everyone knows about (yet). For … 7 Outdoor Influencers You Should Know